Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category


其实,新加坡政府惯性的傲慢就在许文远这个前卫生部长,现在的发展部长身上显示出来。当我在淡马锡政论看到《Ridiculously long wait for medical appointments》这篇文章时,我就想到了许先生8块钱“开心”的往事,我就想到了李光耀和他的爱妻在伦敦受气的遭遇。 李光耀是什么人,也不必我来饶舌。但是,这样的一个国家的领导人,在访问英国的时候,竟然也没有特权,老婆生病了还必须由新航专机护送回国医治... 

FCF merely Govt’s plea with employers

FCF merely Govt’s plea with employers

What stood out for me with regards to the Fair Consideration Framework, announced by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on 23 September, were these two lines in the ministry’s press release, attributed to Mr Tan Chuan Jin: “The framework is not about ‘Hire Singaporeans First, or Hire Singaporeans Only’. What the government... 

MOM employment statistics include full-time NSFs

MOM employment statistics include full-time NSFs

With the claimed low resident unemployment of 3%, it is actually much higher if we regard national service as NOT employed. This is in line with other countries where conscription is not counted as employed. However, NSF is defined as "employed" by MOM's definition. For our young (15-24 yrs), we have unemployment of 8.9% in... 

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