据明报网报道,港府是在昨天的首届扶贫委员会高峰会公布贫穷线标准,并将每年检讨一次。根据2012年数据推算,一人家庭贫穷线为3600元(港币,下同,582新 元),二人为7700元、三人为1万1500元、四人1万4300元、五人1万4800元、六人或以上1万5800元。 当然,像《首划官方贫穷线 131万港人贫穷线下生活》这种标题,绝对是不能放过的。试想,作为备受儒家文化熏陶的中华文化圈子,香港政府和香港人岂会不懂得“家丑不可外扬”的道理?那么,把香港有131万人民生活在贫穷线下的窘局摊在阳光底下,香港政府是不是头壳坏了? 在谷歌搜索一下“香港的贫民窟”,那么简直是触目惊心,牢笼啦非人生活啦是最常见的字眼。什么“重庆大厦”啦“九龙城寨”啦就好像十八层地狱...
Fair Consideration Framework: Good for now
The Fair Consideration Framework is a good new development, even if it’s another example of the government playing catch-up on a problem Singaporeans have been facing for years. While it is true that errant companies can still get around the rules quite easily, it is still better than nothing. We will see how it goes. Anyway,...
Trust is a many-splendoured thing
[Editor's note: This article is published with the consent of Prof David Chan. It was first published in The Straits Times on 28 September 2013.] Trust enables citizens and the Government to work together to build a cohesive and adaptive society - one with good quality of life for all; where Singaporeans can call home. So when...
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- Someone lied on Leave no man behind
- Pappies on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet
- Pretend NS man on Leave no man behind
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet