Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category


叶鹏飞的《新加坡人缘何‘丑陋’?》对社会现象有观察、有思考,赞!但……把国民形容成不懂“职责”的小孩到叛逆期的青少年,加上文章里提到的“保姆国家”,可见仍然逃不脱政府是父母,国民是小孩这个框架,就逊掉了。 “什么都怪政府”,我认为这是顺民的最高境界。因为顺民总是想“和平且理性”地和当政者攻防,虽然这是斯德哥尔摩症候群(Stockholm... 

Steve Wu: The Constitution & Population White Paper 3

Steve Wu: The Constitution & Population White Paper 3

Part 3 – Free Trade Agreements It may not appear that the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have much intersection with immigration and population at first sight, but they do. FTAs govern the exchange of goods, services as well as labor between countries. The FTAs coupled with minimal immigration rules are a recipe to wreak... 

Temasek Holdings and the Case of the Undervalued Assets

Temasek Holdings and the Case of the Undervalued Assets

Dr Christopher Balding I am amused and intrigued by people who have no understanding of the implications of their own arguments or do not carefully read what I have written. In his “rebuttal of a rebuttal” ('A rebuttal of Professor Balding’s rebuttal'), Mrs. Snook further attempts to convince myself and others about the... 

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