Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category


2013年4月5日(星期五)联合早报的头版头条就是这个: 我很好奇,这则“新闻”是怎么挖出来的?是记者“跑”出来的,还是有人供稿,叫早报放在头版头条(有兴趣者不妨详读全文,嗅出蛛丝马迹)?因为这很明显是替公共交通公司起价制造舆论优势。 标题“两交通业者每年承担优惠车资超过1亿6000万元”,感觉让人觉得是在做亏本生意,实际上他们是在做砍头生意。这样的数目,当然是要唬我们这等平民老百姓,对于大企业,只不过是“花生米”。 就拿执政党要员最爱用的“负担得起”这个观点来说,1亿6000万元是两家交通公司分担得起的吗?这区区小数肯定分担得起。既然如此,那又何必讨乖呢? 记者说:“优惠车资总额7660万,占税后净利将近64%”,也就是说,现在净赚2亿5000万,如果不给优惠的话,交通公司应该赚4亿1000万元。这在我们咖啡店人语就叫做:“不怕你生气,就怕你不TL。” 作为全国公共交通这个行业,不给特定社群的人士给予优惠,行吗?找遍全世界,你也找不着这样的公共交通公司,这是企业的社会责任,不给优惠就甭做了。所以这1... 

The IMF loan appeal – why it’s not just about IMF anymore

The IMF loan appeal – why it’s not just about IMF anymore

The IMF loan case brought by Kenneth Jeyaretnam will be heading back to court on appeal soon, and I advise all Singaporeans to pay close attention to proceedings. Although fundamentally about the government's loan of four billion dollars to the IMF, the case became much more important when the government argued - and won - on... 

Please explain why SG Govt debt-to-GDP ratio is 101%?

Please explain why SG Govt debt-to-GDP ratio is 101%?

Singapore The debt-to-GDP ratio is one of the indicators of the health of an economy. It is the amount of national debt of a country as a percentage of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A low debt-to-GDP ratio indicates an economy that produces a large number of goods and services and probably profits that are high enough to... 

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