Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category


新加坡官方媒体撰文,颂扬人民行动党政府的医疗政策是德政,这种说法有多少真实性? 德政是指有仁德思维基础的政治措施,暴政是指残酷剥削与压迫人民的政治措施;换言之,以人为本,从人民利益的立场,去设定的医疗政策才符合德政的定义,反之,那就不是一项德政,更有甚者,从人民的疾病医疗中牟取金钱利润,那种德行就是典型的缺德暴政。 换个角度来说,免费医疗照顾,或者,只回收非固定医疗成本的政策,都可以属于德政一类;离开了这一个范畴,就很难在定义上界定为以人为本的政策思维。 新加坡的原有医疗公共服务在所谓的企业化私营模式的经营下,借口让消费者有更多的消费选择,改以市场经济的价格机制,来设定医疗的收费制度,另一方面,政府亦巧手制定了所谓的补助性方案,去补贴低收入人们的医疗开支。 市场经济的价格机制是包括了经营者的利润,所以人们支付的医疗费用是包括利润成分,因此,实际上,医疗已经成为一个可以牟利的商品经济。 如果政府的补贴只回扣了利润成分,则医疗收费还是包括了人们承担医疗基础建设的成本。医疗基础建设是国家开支预算的一个组成部分,是政府用来收取常年税务的基础,因此,如果医疗收费中包含了政府回收基础建设的开支,那么,政府不仅仅是从已经报销的开支中牟取利润,也在根本上违反了原本征税的意义。 公众对自己所支付的费用,和可以享有的补助计划下回扣的两者之间,是无法知悉医疗开支的实际数据,因为从账单上所能够知道的,只是政府回扣消费税... 

Budget debate exposes many current problems faced by SGs

Budget debate exposes many current problems faced by SGs

The debate on the budget exposes many current problems, high cost of living, high property prices, high COE and car prices, congestion in public transport, foreigners taking over Singaporean jobs, Singaporeans being discriminated or victimized in Singapore by foreigners, low wage for workers, NS for PRs etc etc. These problems... 

Minister Lim Swee Say is confused at himself sometimes

Minister Lim Swee Say is confused at himself sometimes

“If this transition we progress too slowly, we could actually end up losing our competitiveness. And not only the economy growth will slow down, job growth will slow down as well. So therefore if we get it wrong, it could end up with higher unemployment. We could end up with wage stagnation. That’s what we are worried about.... 

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