Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Aim saga part 2 has just begun?

Aim saga part 2 has just begun?

Leong Sze Hian New open tender called? I refer to the articles “PAP town councils call open tender for IT system” (Straits Times, Feb 21) and “No change in tender process for town councils’ computer systems, says Dr Teo” (Channel NewsAsia, Feb 21). Aim helped to prepare tender? The former states that “Dr Teo Ho Pin,... 



除非你不懂中文、除非你是正牌阿Q的孙子。不然的话,谁都知道,像《刘程强在说什么?》这样的一个标题,挑衅的味道是很浓厚的!就如我这个议题《李叶明在说什么》一样,李先生看了,肯定心跳也要加快几下。因此,殊可忍孰不可忍,作为民选议员,面对着喜欢自己的,不喜欢自己的选民,为了以正视听,刘程强别无选择。反击、澄清就是唯一的途径。 李叶明很喜欢说「煽动」,左也「煽动」右也「煽动」。那么,什么是「煽动」呢?望文生义,就像一堆篝火眼... 

The truth about the Silver Tsunami and Supporting our elderly

The truth about the Silver Tsunami and Supporting our elderly

During his speech at Hong Lim Park on 16 Feb 2013, a very energized Leong Sze Hian lambasted the White Paper for its claim that the large foreign influx is needed to support the elderly in Singapore so that they can have a better life: "I tell you that the very basis of the white paper is wrong. Because it says the population... 

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