Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
强国人与小国人的矛盾 – 新移民磨合的困处

强国人与小国人的矛盾 – 新移民磨合的困处

这两天拜读了李叶明先生和刘程强议员的针锋相对的文章后,我觉得讽刺的是,这争论反而凸现了来自强国中国的李生和土生土长的刘议员的矛盾正是我们面对新移民难于磨合融入新加坡核心的缩影! 首先我必须先申明,虽然我是反对党阵营的人,无可否认的也是“师出工人党”,甚至可以说刘程强曾是我政治启蒙老师,但是就如刘议员在榜鹅补选的群众大会上所... 

I’m tired of the rhetoric saying we’re an immigrant society

I’m tired of the rhetoric saying we’re an immigrant society

I am actually tired of rhetoric saying that we are an immigrant society, and so must welcome new immigrants, that if we deny them, then we deny ourselves, etc. I wonder how many remember the days when our grandmas, grandpas, moms and dads broke down barriers to build this nation by forcing themselves to communicate in another... 

PAP using Chinese Clans to divide Singapore

PAP using Chinese Clans to divide Singapore

New citizen Li Yeming, official of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations. When I read ST's article Low refutes claim of 'inciting xenophobia', I can't help noticing that a member of the Singapore Fed of Chinese Clan Associations took a swipe at Low Thia Khiang. (Original ST article here): WORKERS' Party (WP) chief... 

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