Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
What exactly is this White Paper?

What exactly is this White Paper?

Have been reading the chain of events , comments, articles by blogs, face book, Shit times, TR Emeritus and so forth but, this white paper is definitely churning some hidden agenda by the incumbents. What it is meant to be is not straight forward but, definitely another twisted propaganda to the very extent of it's contents. This... 

White Paper Passed : Roadmap to an unwanted destination

White Paper Passed : Roadmap to an unwanted destination

Happy Lunar New Year. I'm sure many of you had this experience when you visited friends and relatives during this week - a large group of people gather to talk about various issues, catch up on each others' lives and at some point someone brings up the population white paper and the torrent of negative views about it... 



新加坡怎么呢?我这可爱的家园,自从有了集选区这个罪孽的制度,把个个关在象牙塔里的奇葩移植出来,变得议员个个与人民脱节,不仅在国策上与人们的意愿格格不入。就是在行政上,也是差强人意,一笔糊涂帐。 不是吗?当我们还在忧虑AIM门的内幕会不会水落石出的时候,竟然出现了《兀兰组屋顶楼的储水箱出现缝隙... 

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