Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Minister Mah Bow Tan weak statements

Minister Mah Bow Tan weak statements

With the elections being held soon, I find that Mr.Mah’s statement about his “asset enhancement policy” and how HDB flats will appreciate with time is rather weak and irresponsible. Sir your statement is a cause for concern, because as a minister that oversees HDB, you are sending a signal to the foreigners to lease HDB... 

PAP政府在公共组屋政策上,有没有残民以自肥?(PAP’s Housing Policy: Extracting Peoples’ Wealth for Self Gratification?)

PAP政府在公共组屋政策上,有没有残民以自肥?(PAP’s Housing Policy: Extracting Peoples’ Wealth for Self Gratification?)

马宝山为PAP的组屋政策圆谎,已经几乎花了20年时间。 这20年来,作为反对党议员的詹时钟和刘程强,曾多次在国会质疑,为何建屋局卖给新加坡人的组屋,为什么几乎和私人公寓一样贵?马宝山都用许多似是而非,或者以什么“组屋得到政府的大量津贴”的借口推搪掩塞过去。 大选将近,估计他已经知道自己“死期将至”,慌乱的辩解已经几乎口不择言,可见他的惶恐程度。 最近,他又慌张提出两个古怪的论调去反驳工人党和刘程强。 1.... 

Did the PAP use PR’s to inflate the HDB prices?

Did the PAP use PR’s to inflate the HDB prices?

Citizens, fellow brothers and sisters, have you ever wondered why the PAP allows PR’s to lease HDB flats that are in the resale market? Have you ever wondered, if there is a valid justification for PR’s to make a profit by selling or renting the HDB flat out, while a Singaporean is homeless even though he/she is a citizen... 

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