Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Only Singaporeans can own property in land-scarce Singapore

Only Singaporeans can own property in land-scarce Singapore

I refer to the article "Chinese buyers home in on Singapore" (TODAY Dec 29).    As a Senior Citizen, I share the rightful concerns of younger Singaporeans over the two related issues of immigration and non-citizens (permanent residents and foreigners) being allowed to purchase property here.   Our Government must manage... 

Buoyant property prices a sign of rising debt as opposed to rising wealth?

Buoyant property prices a sign of rising debt as opposed to rising wealth?

With property prices escalating into no man’s land, we see paper wealth rise with the proportion of debt. This is brought about by loose housing policies coupled with the loose granting of Permanent Residence to foreigners, this diabolic formula creates a surge in demand, and inflates prices way beyond their actual value and... 

PAP housing announcements for upcoming election is too late and too little

PAP housing announcements for upcoming election is too late and too little

Over the last few months Mah Bow Tan and HDB have been aggressively announcing new releases of HDB flats. This election strategy is clearly in response to heightened anger over acute housing shortage and high prices. However a check at the HDB website reveal that many of the recent announcements will not be ready for occupancy... 

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