Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
What exactly can be done about the massive imports of foreign talent?

What exactly can be done about the massive imports of foreign talent?

Really its often difficult to actually pinpoint on who is a talent unless either thru certified paper qualifications or recognised work experiences. I am sure such are the talents that might be of value and can contribute to our nations. I am not against foreign nationalities coming into singapore but the basis of labeling a... 

Policy on property market unhelpful to the majority of Singaporean except 1st timer

Policy on property market unhelpful to the majority of Singaporean except 1st timer

The latest policy for stabilising the public housing and private property prices seem unhelpful to the majority of Singaporean except the 1st timer. If the Goverment focus is to help first timer to get their first HDB flat and get married to settle down, Government just need to build more HDB and complete early for them. But... 

Import foreign talents but real ones please

Import foreign talents but real ones please

To be objective and for the sake of the economy, I would agree that importing FTs are incredibly helpful to a nation’s growth. But the gov should also consider very carefully on what kind of FTs they are actually accepting. An owner of a feed producing company from Europe, who comes to Singapore to open a factory and providing... 

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