Healthcare system breaking down?
I refer to the article 'Hospitals will take months to clear backlog amid Covid-19 pandemic: Kenneth Mak' (ST, 7 Oct) It states that: "With many follow-up visits and elective operations postponed to accommodate the rising number of Covid-19 patients, it will take months for hospitals to catch up with the backlog." Comment: Since...
The same tyrannical approach to a somewhat similar problem
Well done PAP for the passing of FICA, a legislation any dictator would be proud of. And in world record time. Well done *Law Society of Singapore.* You are as silent as the graveyard, an epitaph to hang at your registered office door. Well done PAP MPs. *Not a single voice of dissent, difference of opinion.* I can understand...
What the FICA is he thinking?
It’s official – Singapore now has a law designed to combat the threat of Foreign Interference in Domestic Affairs. The Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill or “FICA” was passed by the ruling party’s super majority in parliament after a 10-hour debate. The result in parliament was never in any doubt. Whatever...
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