Marine Barrage’s 7 Pumps good enough?
Click to enlarge Marine Barrage’s 7 Pumps good enough? Let me illustrate to you with limited information available from public domain: 1. Based on the project data, there are 7 pumps and total discharge capacity is 280 m3 per second. 2. For a 30 minutes raining duration, the 7 pumps can handle 280x30x60= 504,000 m3 or 504...
The plight of the underemployment needs to be addressed
‘Singaporeans’ anxieties over foreign work pass holders are being addressed, and the government has to adjust its policies to manage the quality, numbers and concentration of foreigners here’, said PM Lee. Such is the National Day message as detailed in the ST. Now straight to the point, should Singaporeans take comfort...
Why are we ‘squeezing’ the most vulnerable of our gig workers?
(ST, 31 Aug) "High motorcycle COE prices worry both new and experienced riders" The COE for motorcycles reached $9,500 in August. A dealer who was interviewed by the ST said that the high prices could be due to the drop in average monthly motorcycle quota from 1,228 pieces for May to July to 889 from August to October. One person...
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- Pappies on Losing Control
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?
- Voice for Change on Losing Control
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?