Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Safe entry – a waste of manpower

Safe entry – a waste of manpower

I see so many people being employed on safe entry at supermarkets, malls and major retail outlets. From my observation, the operation is a waste of manpower. There is little spread of the coronavirus now. Even if the coronavirus is spreading rapidly, I cannot see how the safe entry records can really help in contract tracing.... 

Office of Ombudsman

Office of Ombudsman

We need an ombudsman office in Singapore. A definition of ombudsman - an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially a public authority. Here are some examples of how an ombudsman office can work: * It can hear complaints about sexual harassment - such as the the recent... 

Covid 19 swab test will be available to the public

Covid 19 swab test will be available to the public

I welcome the news that C19 swab test will be available to the public without approval from 01 December 2020. I have a suggestion. The going rate for a swab test is about S$200/. I know that many people are very, very worried and concerned about themselves and their family members contracting C19, especially the seniors at home,... 

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