Absurd ruling by ELD
A key PPP potential candidate was unable to return to Singapore from overseas to contest in the upcoming elections due to the travel restrictions imposed by the country he is in right now. He wrote in to ELD to ask whether he could still send in his nomination papers since ELD has given exemption to those who are under quarantine...
Why the $90 billion was wasted
Why are there so many people (don't want to tall them idiots) who applaud the government for giving financial relief to help people to tide over the circuit breaker. How come they cannot see that it was unwise to call the circuit breaker in the first place, causing $25 billion to be spent unnecessary. It was insane to extend...
Political parties said that they will adhere to new campaign rules
I refer to this morning's CNA online news that political parties said that they will adhere to new campaign rules. "The pap said that it will adhere to the prevailing guidelines laid out by the C19 taskforce for any activities involving public interactions...". Many party members among the pap are just shameless hypocrites and...
- CarelessFR on Public Housing HDB
- PAP mandate strong on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Cronies Everywhere on Public Housing HDB
- In $g,public worse on Public Housing HDB
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Public Housing HDB