什么叫做“三寸不烂之舌”,李总理很高调的做了典范。在《落实惠民政策 人民与政府互信不可缺》这篇新闻中,游润恬就这么报道: 政府必须取信于民,才能有效运作并落实惠民政策。 读到这两句话,我心里真有点儿苦涩。人家说“开花结果、开花结果”,除了神经病的和白痴的,大约不会有人愚鲁得嚷嚷着“开果结花”这般离谱乖离逻辑的废话吧? 为什么不是: “政府必须有效运作并落实惠民政策,才能取信于民”呢? 有句俗语说:“醉翁之意不在酒”,新加坡人没缴钱就不能像中国人一样的看免费早报网,偏偏李总理对着250位高级公务员的训话,竟然图文并茂,连录音录影都有了,谁都可以点击。 本来嘛,像政府内部纪律训话的这种糗事,做为高级公务员,政府官员精英中的精英,竟然像幼稚园的小孩子一样,需要阿斗总理给他们补课,这岂不是荒谬中的荒谬,荒唐至极...
Young people see a dark future with the PAP in govt
It must have taken plenty of courage for a 23 year-old to contest against the Prime Minister in the 2011 General Elections, but that was precisely what Alex Tan Zhixiang did. Even though he lost with 30% of the popular votes, this was considered a huge victory given the discrepancy of how well the various candidates were established....
The good parts of LKY’s basic governing ideology
Many Singaporeans have asked this question: What has LKY bequeathed to Singapore, what are his good policies which should be carried on? This question I think should be answered in perspective. Of course as citizens, we hope to see his good policies being consolidated further to secure our future in this vulnerable global economy. His...
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