Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


回到旧时代,封建传统保守的时代,国人,甚至世界好多国家的人民,看到行动党政府的治国佳绩,应该会感激万分,甚至对行动党感恩图报也不过分。即使把时间拉到30,40年前,新加坡人还是很感激行动党政府为国家所做的一切。 为何到了今天,却竟然出现谁应该感激谁的问题。 这里要从总理的搞好政治,正确的政治说起... 

Stylo mylo Vivian in Parliament

Stylo mylo Vivian in Parliament

The most impressive part of the 10 minutes broadcast on Parliament after the news last night was all about Vivian. At least that was the only thing I could remember. He was a class of his own. He dressed very well, dressed to kill, looked very good and spoke damn well. Indeed he was a very polished debater. He peppered his lecture... 

A Politician’s Waterloo

A Politician’s Waterloo

"Politics is a contest for power but the key principle when you have power is, don't take advantage of people under your charge, and always be honest and upfront with them." The problem with this sentence is that the speaker misses his own message. For a guy who talks so much about power, he should recognise the demise of his... 

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