Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Why are Parliamentary Motions such a big deal?

Why are Parliamentary Motions such a big deal?

As a neutral observer, I found Calvin Cheng’s article Do we really need another Worker’s Party MP to be… disconcerting. Here is his argument: 1: In 2009, Viswa Sadasivan, an NMP, filed a motion calling for the House to reaffirm its commitment to the principles enshrined in the Singapore National Pledge. This made LKY speak... 

Is the Opposition talking sense?

Is the Opposition talking sense?

Previously, I have touched on the candidate and the Party behind him/her. Now I will touch on the chief peeves of the Opposition.[LINK ] Government policies 1. Foreigners and increasing population We were all foreigners or descendants of foreigners before. If the British colonialists had not opened up the island to newcomers,... 

Punggol East: So far very tame, very civilised

Punggol East: So far very tame, very civilised

For the watchers of this by election who expect a lot of fire and storm, it must be a big disappointment. So far everything appears to be very mild and tame. There were great expectations given the indiscretion of the ex MP who was also the ex Speaker of Parliament. Many could remember the fire and ferocity of the attack by... 

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