Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category


今早(19/04/2011)海峡时报刊登黄永宏部长的大作,要选民“关注”陈硕茂的参选“动机”,要选民质疑他久居国外,能否认同国人的理想,对我国的未来有无“相关利益”?本 届大选的吸雷针(避雷针)无疑是陈硕茂,才宣布提名日,马上就闪电飞刀齐出。 公民在线Andrew... 

Probe opposition candidates’ motivation? Sure! How about PAP’s candidates?

Probe opposition candidates’ motivation? Sure! How about PAP’s candidates?

SM Goh was reported by The Straits Times (April 19, 2011) to have urged Singaporeans to examine the motivations of the opposition candidates. Really, what answers do you expect? Is there a pot of gold waiting for opposition candidates? Is there career advancement for any standing up for the alternative voice? Does any opposition... 

The PAP is in self denial mode and trying hard to convince itself

The PAP is in self denial mode and trying hard to convince itself

Like many citizens who read about news from all the different websites, I think it is very obvious that the PAP is not a “preferred political party”, and with the elections just around the corner, citizens are going onto the internet to express their build up of frustration over the PAP’s policies towards Singaporeans,... 

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