Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
What the FICA is he thinking?

What the FICA is he thinking?

It’s official – Singapore now has a law designed to combat the threat of Foreign Interference in Domestic Affairs. The Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill or “FICA” was passed by the ruling party’s super majority in parliament after a 10-hour debate. The result in parliament was never in any doubt. Whatever... 

China’s change of attitude towards America

China’s change of attitude towards America

When President Trump started the trade war in July 2018, China tried to seek a solution to address the US concern. China sent the Vice Premier Lie He to the trade negotiations. They accommodated most of America's demands, as far as they could. Several demands were unreasonable. They include the sanctions on Huawei and several... 

From a policy perspective, there is no steadfast leadership from the 4G Ministers

From a policy perspective, there is no steadfast leadership from the 4G Ministers

Singapore is getting dysfunctional from the policies with regards to handle Covid-19 infection cases. 1. Ownself test ownself, people are encouraged to self swab, using test rather than seeking medical professionals to do the swab, how many people do might not do this right or end up injuring their nostrils? 2. Ownself isolate... 

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