Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
How will the “cooling off” law be enforced in cyberspace?

How will the “cooling off” law be enforced in cyberspace?

OPINION The "cooling-off" day proposed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to be introduced in the next election has stirred considerable interest in blogosphere with many netizens wondering how the new law will be enforced in cyberspace. All mass rallies, door-to-door visits and public display of party symbols will be banned... 

“Cooling-off” day for voters to reflect “calmly” on their decisions or for the PAP to do last minute campaigning?

“Cooling-off” day for voters to reflect “calmly” on their decisions or for the PAP to do last minute campaigning?

OPINION With elections looming around the corner, the ruling party is again making use of the power of its incumbency to change the rules of the game and shift the goal-posts in order to "engineer" another electoral result which will ensure their continued political hegemony. In other modern democracies, the best result a political... 

Co-opting Philip Jeyaretnam: A PAP masterstroke to counter the Jeyaretnams’ lingering appeal

Co-opting Philip Jeyaretnam: A PAP masterstroke to counter the Jeyaretnams’ lingering appeal

OPINION The recent appointment of Mr Philip Jeyaretnam as a member of the Public Service Commission was announced amid much fanfare by the state media with the Straits Times highlighting the fact that he is the "son of the late opposition leader Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam" in its opening paragraph. It was not revealed who the... 

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