Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Should universities be re-politicitized?

Should universities be re-politicitized?

By Bhaskaran Kunju, Political Correspondent At the Parliamentary sitting on August 18, Mr Viswa Sadasivan gave his maiden speech as a Nominated Member of Parliament. The contents of his speech have already made headlines in just a few days, with even MM Lee providing his views. While most of the attention has been on the race... 

3 feasible strategies the government can adopt to counter rising anti-establishment sentiment in cyberspace

3 feasible strategies the government can adopt to counter rising anti-establishment sentiment in cyberspace

A ticking time bomb The government must be appalled and disturbed by the rising anti-establishment sentiment in cyberspace. Not a day passed in Singapore's boisterous chatrooms without a PAP leader or policy being attacked and ridiculed. While I applaud the government for keeping its promise to adopt a "light-touch" approach... 

A sign of paradigm shift in the PAP’s mindset ?

A sign of paradigm shift in the PAP’s mindset ?

By Fang Zhi Yuan The Singapore media, ranked  147th by Reporters without frontiers on its latest Press Freedom Index, is constantly being ridiculed and villified by its detractors for being a stooge of the PAP government, in short "The PAP Times". Not only does it churns out daily PAP propaganda to poison and brainwash the... 

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