Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Keeping reserves secret to protect SGD is a fellacy

Keeping reserves secret to protect SGD is a fellacy

16 September 1992 was a day of infamy for Britain which came to be known as Black Wednesday. That was the day Bank of England threw in the towel on a battle against currency speculators and took UK out of the ERM (exchange rate mechanism of the European Union) and pound sterling crashed. Traditional description of a speculative... 

5 Questions For Your PAP MPs!

5 Questions For Your PAP MPs!

To my young Singaporean friends, I suggest you ask your PAP MPs these 5 hard hitting questions when they do their house-to-house visits:- 1) why is it so much more expensive for me to buy a HDB apartment compared to my parents? 2) why is it so much more expensive for me to buy a car compared to my parents? 3) why are there so... 

A pineapple revolution of sorts

A pineapple revolution of sorts

Let me just say that I’m truly humbled and I will honour the trust that Singaporeans have placed in me and respect all the views that they have expressed, including those who did not vote for me.—President-elect Tharman Shanmugaratnam It was not even what Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam was expecting: a landslide nationwide vote... 

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