Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Who holds the 1st key?

Who holds the 1st key?

The Elected President holds the second key to our reserves. But who holds the first? It can’t be the government (Cabinet) since they are requesting the money. In a representative democracy, as in ours, parliament holds the first key. They represent the people and gives the people’s consent when the government wants to draw... 

Singapore is Reeling from the Latest Money Laundering Revelations

Singapore is Reeling from the Latest Money Laundering Revelations

If you’ve been reading my blog you will know that Singapore’s blasé attitude towards abiding by legal norms and processes is a theme of mine. You may remember the Panama Papers. I said that there weren’t many revelations about Singapore (except those concerning a relative of the late LKY’s wife) because Singapore is... 

Vivian Doesn’t Know The Rules Of The Game

Vivian Doesn’t Know The Rules Of The Game

Maturing as a young man in Singapore in the early 80s,I always remembered a phrase that Lee Kuan Yew used- “These are the rules of the game”. He was referring to the diplomatic protocol which is understood the world over when leaders meet. A Prime Minister of a host country always has to go to the place where a visiting... 

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