Three minutes for all candidates
It is the same old story. Three minutes of air time for each candidate for the coming general election. Election rallies have been abolished. In its place, there will be e-rallies at subsidised rates if the opposition can afford. If not, then such rates will be used exclusively by the People’s Action Party (PAP) and the minds...
What kind of a future do you want for yourself, your children, grandchildren and for Singapore?
Do you want to live like a cog in a machine, just to pay for the mortgages, living expenses and see the kids through school, only to find you don’t have enough to retire? Do you want to see your beloved child, all grown up and working now, coming home bitter and burnt-out because he realizes he too is a cog in the machine,...
The perfect story of the imperfect political system in Singapore
The ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights recently released a report entitled "In Singapore, an Already Unfair Vote Undermined by COVID-19". You can download the full report here. It has told the perfect story of the imperfect political system in Singapore which has in turn ensured that the PAP continues to stay in power...
- Ostrich Mode on Public Housing HDB
- Confusion Says on Outbreak of mystery virus in China
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia
- Fake Chinese on Public Housing HDB
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastates Tibet