Misinformation on Land Reserves
This is the 3rd and final installment of Eh, Goondu series. Watching Indranee, 2nd Minister of Finance, explain land reserves back in Nov 2022 parliamentary debate, and reading Ho Ching’s Jun 24 post in Facebook on same matter, is an exercise in incredulity. Indranee expounded “ownself declare ownself” accounting principles...
Marriage is the most fundamental test for a man and woman
Marriage is the most fundamental test for a man and woman. When two lives commit to become one, before a crowd of witnesses, and for a lifetime, it is not just that they mean business, it is a covenant of mutual sacrifice. It is also a testament of your faithfulness in the small private things, like the marital vows, and you...
A Tired Government Led By A Tired Man
Those who watched the Parliamentary proceedings on Wednesday could not have missed how tired looking Lee Hsien Loong was. It was a disastrous performance by a man who gave all the appearances that he no longer has a handle on government. The best advice he should heed now is that the time has come for him to leave the stage....
- Chuan Park SCAM on Scammers
- SINKAPUT on SMRT Should Be Stripped Off Its Right To Operate Our Train System
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Merry Christmas
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Scammers
- 2Daft2Live on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?