Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category
Trusting the PAP so much

Trusting the PAP so much

To All My Dear Singaporeans who Trusted PAP so much. I know all of you trusted PAP very much, but you must also Trust PAP to do the right thing in leadership. Let PAP show you the way to vaccination and you must trust PAP to take the lead. Ask ALL PAP Ministers and MPs to declare under oath that they have kept their vaccine... 

Suckers who will hinder Singapore from realising a new political dawn

Suckers who will hinder Singapore from realising a new political dawn

I had about half an hour of conversation with a young senior taxi driver early this morning and I complimented him for being hard working. After I have reached my destination, I said to myself that this is the typical representation of suckers who will hinder Singapore from realising a new political dawn. I asked him among other... 

The pomposity of PM Lee Hsien Loong’s career achievements

The pomposity of PM Lee Hsien Loong’s career achievements

In history there were Nazi Germany Adophl Hitler and Indonesia Achmed Surkarno who crew to the world of their political dominance and achievements while their people suffered in their livelihood. In Singapore Lee Kuan Yew and his superlative politicians including Dr. Goh Keng Swee made world history by transforming Singapore... 

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