Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Tan Kin Lian Is No Johnny-come-lately Independent

Tan Kin Lian Is No Johnny-come-lately Independent

Unlike Tharman who was part of the PAP government for 22 years and a grandee of the Party, or Ng Kok Song who was with MAS and GIC for decades as well, Tan Kin Lian has no need to come up with ridiculous reasons as to why he is Independent. I was alongside Tan Kin Lian on many occasions at Hong Lim Park when we both spoke out... 

Professor Tommy Koh’s endorsement of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Professor Tommy Koh’s endorsement of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam

I would like to respond to Professor Tommy Koh’s endorsement of Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam as president. [LINK] While I agree that Mr Shanmugaratnam believes in multiculturalism and has consistently won the Jurong GRC with greater majority than our prime minister, I do not think he has the moral courage and is so independent... 

AWARE versus Tan Kin Lian saga

AWARE versus Tan Kin Lian saga

Click to enlarge The race is hotting up. It’s closing in on 1 Sept. The age spread for the presidential hopefuls is quite wide. Tharman Shanmugaratnam is 66 yrs old. Ng Kok Song and Tan Kin Lian are both 75 yrs old. You can say it is a race between one young senior and two mature ones. From the get-go, it seems like NKS and... 

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