Look at the interest of all parties, and not personal interest only
Someone accused me of supporting the use of PMD because I and my family member do not use the footpaths. Why should this person make an unfounded accusation or be personal in giving his views? I use the footpaths every day. So does two of my grandchildren who walk to school. Anyway, I do not give my views based on personal interests....
Questions on the use of POFMA on Amaravati Smart City
Recently, the government invoked POFMA against Brad Bowyer for his post on the Andhra Pradesh Amaravati Smart City, declaring certain aspects as fake and requiring a retraction. The government stated the project company spent only a few million for the project design and not $4 billion as reported. He complied to it, but nonetheless...
Doing the same thing and expecting different results
Sigh. The past connects to the present. When it was first passed in 2014, the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA) was sold as being for the protection of vulnerable individuals from harassment. But not only did the Government try to make use of POHA to suppress criticism, the first Government agency to make use of it was...
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- PAP mandate strong on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
- Labour shortage? on Integrate
- PAP mandate strong on The rapidly spreading HMPV virus you haven’t heard of