Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Law & Order Singapore Incorporated

Law & Order Singapore Incorporated

ST published a great story by Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times 23/01/12. There was this black teacher Mrs Grady that transformed the life of a delinquent kid that later became a successful lawyer and then judge. In the late 1950s, Olly Neal was a poor black kid with an attitude. He was one of 13 brothers and sisters in... 

ST: Well-off bear biggest brunt of the price increases

ST: Well-off bear biggest brunt of the price increases

That’s part of a headline in today’s ST. In the text of the story, it said “the top 20 per cent … were hit by … rate of 5.7 per cent — much higher than the 4.7 per cent for the bottom 20 per cent”. ST’s Breaking News reported, “The lowest 20 per cent income group experienced a lower increase in consumer prices... 

Pay more for no corruption? Think again!

Pay more for no corruption? Think again!

24 feb 2012, the 2nd day of Chinese New Year – a date which will live in infamy – the PAP’s crap theory on pay more for no corruption was suddenly and deliberately attacked by patriotic journalists of Lianhe Wanbao and TR Emeritus! And what a great irony it was! Just days ago, the PAP-led government accepted the reduction... 

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