Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Kuan Yew Tells Honest Truths About Singapore

Kuan Yew Tells Honest Truths About Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew Singaporeans should be heartened that Dear Kuan Yew has returned from his political mausoleum to share with us more hard truths about Singapore. Needless to say, Kuan Yew believes in “competitive” salaries for ministers and employs his eight-decade old strategy of exaggerated misinterpretation to deal with his... 

PAP government works hard to build our transportation system

PAP government works hard to build our transportation system

It saddens me that Singaporeans are an unforgiving lot. For instance they like to complain that nowadays buses seemed to be arriving late. They improperly attributed this to overcrowding. Investigations revealed that in fact buses were never late. They were too early. Take a typical bus schedule. The first bus is at 5:00am and... 

Do we need Xiang Yu or do we need someone like Liu Bang?

Do we need Xiang Yu or do we need someone like Liu Bang?

  Liu Bang How things can change in less than a year! Back in May, I still remember seeing our dear PM cry on national TV and appeared sincere in apologizing for doing a poor job for the last five years. Now, emerging victorious from the election, he has come out to support embattled Grace Fu and say that high pay for ministers... 

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