Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Racial discrimination: We need to be understood not labeled!

Racial discrimination: We need to be understood not labeled!

It was an incident a few days before a Christmas party that it  dawned on me the simplistic, if not ignorant, view certain groups of people have of other groups and thus in turn  has inevitably created a negative impact on racial harmony within the work place. My company has set aside some budget so that its worldwide subsidiaries... 

Pay for Performance – Really?

Pay for Performance – Really?

Arguably, the SMRT crisis management fiasco and ministerial pay are the hottest issues hogging the cyberspace limelight now. The former is recent and the latter enduring since pre-election and still is a burning question. Understandably, some emotive content, even debatable of politically flavored of correctness or otherwise... 

Seng Han Thong, alternative media and choosing sides

Seng Han Thong, alternative media and choosing sides

By Cherian George (originally published in Journalism.SG, reproduced with permission) The Seng Han Thong controversy has produced a flash flood of protest in the midst of a climate already fouled by the SMRT debacle. Such was the interest in the episode that my instant posting on Journalism.SG made it the site’s busiest day... 

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