Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
The Essence Of Knowledge Is knowing It To Apply it

The Essence Of Knowledge Is knowing It To Apply it

What an intellegent statement by the statesman long , long ago. When we know what is the reality whether it is good or bad and not to do anything about it is called: Ignorant! Or Bo chap! When we know what is affecting all citizens and do nothing about it including you, it is called : Selfish! When we know people are suffering... 

Change or no change? Then or now?

Change or no change? Then or now?

After the tears have dried up, after the whispers of change have evaporated things are back to normal. Last week at the Economic Development Board's 50th anniversary dinner, investors asked Mr Lee Hsien Loong if Singapore will change direction after the recent General Election. No, he assured them, the PAP's policies will not... 

The average Singaporean living in PAP’s Singapore

The average Singaporean living in PAP’s Singapore

What do the average Singaporean wants for himself and family? He wants a decent job, affordable roof over his head, education for his children, reasonable health care, reasonable and convenient transport, and law and order in his country. For the last decade or so, things are not turning out as it should be. Standards are declining. The... 

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