Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Temasek Review Emeritus is a miracle

Temasek Review Emeritus is a miracle

There’s only one word to describe Temasek Review Emeritus, It’s a miracle Singaporeans are generally kiasu, selfish, and when it comes to putting money and livelihood at stake to speak and propagate truth and go against the establishment, you probably can’t find more than 5 persons in 10 years who will go all out to prove... 

This is MY country, this is MY flag

This is MY country, this is MY flag

We had friends over for dinner. The conversation very quickly turned to political and social issues. Pat, (not his real name), in an emotional outburst that is quite unlike him, said, “This year, we must all fly the national flag to celebrate National Day.” I was a little surprised. Huh? The Singapore flag? Err…what’s... 

We need a more caring society

We need a more caring society

I noticed that there is a growing trend of Singaporeans and foreigners having financial problems as many are now borrowing money from licensed moneylenders. The interest rates charged by these “licensed moneylenders” are as high as 120% per annum. If you look at the Chinese evening newspapers: 新明日报, 联合晚报,you... 

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