Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Are we rich or are we bankrupt? Part 3

Are we rich or are we bankrupt? Part 3

Are they still there? This is the question that Singaporeans keep asking about our financial reserves but to which answers don't seem to be coming. If they are still there, how are they invested? Are the investments carried out in socially responsible ways? What are the returns? Are they benefiting the people or just the ones... 

Are we rich or are we bankrupt? Part 2

Are we rich or are we bankrupt? Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we explained how the PAP Government borrowed against our CPF savings to conduct commercial activities both in and outside Singapore. In the process, it has ratcheted up our public debt which has become larger than our Gross National Income. This puts us in a rather discomfiting fiscal position. According... 

Are foreign talents from India and Philippines real talents?

Are foreign talents from India and Philippines real talents?

Are the foreign talents from India and Philippines real talents? In a Straits Times' article (5 Jul 2011), NUS and NTU were mentioned of being ranked highly in the Quad-Quarrelli Symonds World Top Universities Ranking. NUS and NTU have indeed, done a good job by coming in at 31st and 74th respectively. Congratulations! Given... 

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