Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Caterpillar Mentality, Unemployment Welfare and Fringe Lunatics

Caterpillar Mentality, Unemployment Welfare and Fringe Lunatics

Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports,  Major-General Chan Chun Sing, recently  shared his provocative thoughts on welfare system for unemployed Singaporeans similar to Australia. That YPAP “dialogue” session left some unfinished business. His... 

Take courage – don’t let Gilbert Goh stand alone

Take courage – don’t let Gilbert Goh stand alone

There wasn’t a big crowd of people. The late afternoon was hot. 200 or so turned up to support the event titled, “Employ Singaporeans First”, at the Speakers’ Corner on Saturday. The speakers – eight in all – were well-known personalities. The top of the list was Mr Tan Kin Lian, for mer Chief Executive Officer... 

良性政治参与的不良后果 (The Adverse Consequences of Benign Political Participation Approved by the Rulers)

良性政治参与的不良后果 (The Adverse Consequences of Benign Political Participation Approved by the Rulers)

人民行动党政府在面对人心思变的逆势政治风向时,呼吁人民不要为了反对而反对政府,必须为大局着想以良性政治参与的方式,确保多年来建立的国家基业不会毁于一旦。 然而,这一个说法和历史的实践经验正好相反。从当权者的角度来看,所谓良性政治参与是:在不改变现有社会秩序情况下的被许可政治活动。但是,这种政治思维恰巧正是消耗国家基业的罪魁祸首。 曼库尔.奥尔森的《国家兴衰探源》(Mancur... 

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