Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
No more foreigner bashing please

No more foreigner bashing please

  It is no surprise, or any surprise that foreigners has changed our society radically, not for the better but for the worst, as social order itself is being challenged by the cultural shock and the majority-minority dilemma. The recent turn of events of foreigners from assaulting and abusing our own citizens to making our... 

Politicians discuss youth concerns

Politicians discuss youth concerns

Representatives from six political parties discussed their views on youth engagement at a forum conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies Politicians from six political parties yesterday turned their attentions to youth issues at a forum organised by the Institute of Policy Studies, titled “What Youth Want”. The speakers... 

Real foreign talent or cheap talent?

Real foreign talent or cheap talent?

Talent? Real foreign talent? Not in Singapore. At least from what I have observed during my stay in the West, the calibre of foreign talent here is way lower than the foreign talent that I saw in other First World countries. Now, I am not trying to say that there are no real foreign talent at all in Singapore, neither am I concluding... 

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