Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
What you can vote for

What you can vote for

A close friend asked why am I so interested in this GE.   Sometimes we have to ask ourselves what is exactly at stake in a moment like this. What exactly is my stake in Singapore? I've lived my life here, grew up in classes of 40 students, spent 5 years of my life as a civil servant & started a business here. Most importantly,... 

Singaporeans, Speak our Hearts and Let Our Votes Count

Singaporeans, Speak our Hearts and Let Our Votes Count

Yesterday was Cooling Off Day, Tomorrow the Verdict will be Out and Today is Election Day so I thought it is good as a Non-Pro-Party Singaporean to speak from my the bottom of my heart and pen my thoughts about this general election because I am Pro-Singapore. People said that politics is a dirty game but I said politics manifest... 

I am sorry Singapore

I am sorry Singapore

I hear your apology Mr Lee, and I too must apologise to fellow Singaporeans for I was amongst the 66.6% who gave you a strong mandate in 2006. To those who are addicted to the casinos and those families that have been destroyed. I am sorry. To the parents who cannot put your children in your school of choice because the foreigners... 

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