Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Can Singaporeans afford to ‘gamble’ again by voting for the PAP?

Can Singaporeans afford to ‘gamble’ again by voting for the PAP?

PAP Minister without portfolio Lim Swee Say issued a warning to Singaporeans lately not to ‘gamble’ their future away by voting for the opposition. The question we should be asking ourselves is: can we afford another ‘gamble’ for five years of PAP rule? The PAP’s ‘track record’ for the last five years is plain... 

Why We Should Vote For Pap ( Part One)

Why We Should Vote For Pap ( Part One)

If you are clueless about your own lifes. If are are a psychopath. If are a loser. If you love to be manipulated. If you simply do not believe in anything else, except, PAP. If you wish to work till you die, and sacrifice your golden years for them. If you love misery. If you always wish to be a debtor. If you are merrily paying... 

对不起,你想卖国吗  ?

对不起,你想卖国吗 ?

       每几年新加坡大选时刻, 人民行动党执政的政府总会派发几百块的津贴与回扣给予每个国民。当然,大选2011也不例外。他们所控制的媒体把这些钱称为‘红包’。         但众所周知的是, 这些钱没有一分是从他们这群百万富翁政治家口袋抽出的钱。这些都是老百姓的钱,所以哪能称为‘红包’呢? ... 

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