Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Three main reasons why our youth joins gangs

Three main reasons why our youth joins gangs

I am concerned about the recent spate of gang-related crimes involving our teenagers. Two armed attacks involving gangs have occurred within a fortnight. Many have also speculated whether the recent huge influx of foreigner have influenced the resurgence of gang-related activities here. Last year, 468 youths were arrested for... 

Whither Asian values

Whither Asian values

Wen Jia Bao Recent developments in and about China have been quite unprecedented. First, Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Following ths award, 23 prominent members of the Chinese Communist Party wrote a letter blasting the Chinese government's clampdown on free expression. According to The Guardian, the signatories... 

Singaporeans should stop complaining

Singaporeans should stop complaining

How often have we heard the PAP and their YPAP mongrels telling us Singaporeans to lower expectations and stop complaining? Certainly we can just do what they demanded...just like this: I do not expect the government to be able to keep Mas Selamat in his cell, neither do I expect the PAP not to prosecute the Opposition for defamation... 

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