Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Immigration and public housing: Should the govt or the people plan ahead?

Immigration and public housing: Should the govt or the people plan ahead?

OPINION It is a forte of the PAP government to plan well ahead into the next few decades to chart the future direction and destiny of Singapore. Soon after Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong assumed the leadership of the nation in 2003, he announced an ambitious plan to increase Singapore's population to 6.5 million people via immigration... 

Why citizenship test is a red herring to deflect blame from the govt’s immigration policy

Why citizenship test is a red herring to deflect blame from the govt’s immigration policy

OPINION When PAP MP Halimah Yacob proposed introducing a citizenship test like some other countries for prospective new citizens, she was not cut down to size by a geriatrician MP for suggesting a "highfalutin" idea. Community Development, Youth and Sports Minister Vivian Balakrishnan described it as "quite sensible" and would... 

Upper middle class folks are living in style

Upper middle class folks are living in style

By Seah Chiang Nee from The Star, 28 November 2009 IN RECENT months, I have had a few glimpses of how far Singapore’s upper middle class has moved ahead in the richest city in South-East Asia. The chance came as I was searching to rent a home, looking behind closed doors in the presence of an agent. After visiting some two... 

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