Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Are foreigners depriving locals of places in NUS, NTU and SMU? (Part 2)

Are foreigners depriving locals of places in NUS, NTU and SMU? (Part 2)

By Amanda Lian, Social Correspondent We are sure you are all very concerned about the issue of the influx of International Students at our local Universities and whether it has affected the local students adversely. And so, this article is going to look into anecdotal perspectives of whether foreign (International) students... 

Are foreigners depriving locals of places in NUS, NTU and SMU? (Part 1)

Are foreigners depriving locals of places in NUS, NTU and SMU? (Part 1)

By Amanda Lian, Social Correspondent We are sure you are all very concerned about the issue of the influx of International Students at our local universities and whether it has affected the local students adversely. And so, this article is going to look into anecdotal perspectives of whether foreign (International) students... 

Why social cohesion is at the forefront of the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally

Why social cohesion is at the forefront of the Prime Minister’s National Day Rally

By Bhaskaran Kunju, Political Correspondent “THIS is an unusually serious and heavy subject for a National Day Rally. Normally, you talk about babies, hongbaos, bonuses.“ That was a line Prime Minister Lee made part way through his National Day Rally speech, on August 16. It was unusual for a National Day Rally message to... 

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