Archive for the ‘Society’ Category
Covid Booster Shots

Covid Booster Shots

Some of you may be deciding if you wish to take another covid booster. MOH recommends it for the older people, but does not compel it. I have decided not to take the booster. My friends pointed out that there were 21,282 deaths in 2018 (the year before the pandemic). It has now increased to 26,891 in 2022. This increase of 26%... 

Cats in HDB

Cats in HDB

A proposed move by the government to allow HDB households to own up to 2 cats is in the work. If it passes, it would reverse a 34 years ban on keeping cats in HDB flats. I am against allowing HDB households owning cats. Let me explain. I quote from HDB's own website, 'cats are generally difficult to contain within the flat as... 

The dead elephant in the room

The dead elephant in the room

How many people have died after taking the novel mRNA vaccine? Governments seem not to know and certainly do not wish to know. The few brave souls who tried to come forth to share what they know have quickly found themselves treated as pariahs by governments gone mad. Examples: Dr Reiner Fuellmich (see my old blog "The greatest... 

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