Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
Yahoo Singapore Blocks Readers From Commenting

Yahoo Singapore Blocks Readers From Commenting

I love to read and comment on Yahoo articles particularly Singapore politics and quite few weeks ago, I believe you may have seen this message, "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article... 

CK Tang supposed Hijab Issue

CK Tang supposed Hijab Issue

Before the furore from a turban incident of Mr Parvitar Singh has yet to simmer, another similar controversy has arisen to reignite the whole issue on racial and religious equality in a predominantly Chinese multi racial setting. This episode should suffice to further educate the already learned Mdm Ho Ching on the difference... 

Wishing TRE Andrew a Speedy Recovery and God Bless

Wishing TRE Andrew a Speedy Recovery and God Bless

Dear Andrew I am so sorry to hear about this incident. You have done so much for TRE and all true-blue Singaporeans and I will not be able to forgive myself if I do not do my part to help. Hope to see you well again, back on your feet here in Singapore soon. Please take care and stay strong, stay safe! Sincere Regards.   Mark... 

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