Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
Cleaning myself of her filth

Cleaning myself of her filth

I am happy for what I have right now, to be able to graduate from NUS, to have a roof over my head, to have 3 decentmeals, though I hail from a low-income family. However, one thing still bothers me, that is the fact that my girlfriend has been funding my education in the past via dirty means. So what do I mean? She has been... 

An overseas Singaporean: Our fear of the Unknown

An overseas Singaporean: Our fear of the Unknown

Fear of the unknown is what prevents 70% from voting opposition even though rallies are packed. Fear of the Unknown is what prevents 42% from actually uprooting and migrating. Fear leads to inertia and ‘tahaning’. The capacity for ‘tahaning’, which in some cases can be a very good thing, overwhelms the desire for change. In... 

Today’s political leaders are not comparable to those of yesterday

Today’s political leaders are not comparable to those of yesterday

Click to enlarge We should not give undue and excessive credit to LKY since our early success as a nation was not his sole doing. While basic thanks is needed, he is not as great as some people make him out to be. Without a capable team of people such as Goh Keng Swee, he would not have been able to do much. These Ministers... 

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