MND replies on related party transactions
WE REFER to the commentary by Associate Professor Lee Kin Wai ("The problem with related party transactions"; Feb 18). All town councils (TCs) are to prepare their financial statements in accordance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (FRS). Under FRS 24, a TC is required to disclose related party transactions in...
I don’t get anything from the budget
I m unemployed and middle class, I don’t get anything from the budget. All those one off are just small expenditure, their constant increases of recurring of HDB prices, UtIlities, Transport, basic necessities are scary, those are permanent blood sucking. Don’t be tricked by their nice marketing and words, most people don’t...
Many more ‘Be grateful’ to LKY
The author wants to dig out the “glory” past of LKY. Then let’s dig: “Be grateful” to LKY for “STOP AT TWO Policy” – thats why we have not enough population to support GDP and the present PAP have to import so many foreigners. BTW I am over 40 and I am the third child in the family. Back then, parents of more...
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