Title of TRE article is intentionally deceiving
[The writer is referring to the article - NParks cancels approval for all #ReturnOurCPF events] Dear friends, The title of TRE article is intentionally deceiving. It says that our NPARKS had cancelled “#Return our CPF events. ” Please can you read the letter from the NPARKS? It says “NPARKS will also cancel any existing...
CPF can gain more acceptance with better flexibility
There has been much debate on the Central Provident Fund scheme recently, which led me to wonder: Is it really that bad? My family has benefited from it. It helped my father, who earned modest wages, afford a four-room flat and put my younger brother through university. I, too, have been able to start a family in a five-room...
How does this foreigner help to create jobs for SGs?
Hi, just came across this article I found on the web. It's about how a foreign feel working in Singapore: http://www.quora.com/What-does-it-feel-like-for-a-foreigner-to-work-in-Singapore One wonders what contribution this foreigner and those like him has to make to Singapore. He "don't work directly with Singaporeans for the...
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