Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
Why didn’t ESM Goh listen to Catherine Lim in 1994?

Why didn’t ESM Goh listen to Catherine Lim in 1994?

How many of our Ministers would qualify for this? Why didn’t ESM Goh listen to Catherine Lim in 1994? If he had done so he would not be lamenting about the “loosening ties” between the government and the people of Singapore at his National Day speech on August 17 2014. He would also not be so perturbed about the “unrealistic... 

Jobless ITE grad struggling with low wages and self-esteem

Jobless ITE grad struggling with low wages and self-esteem

Jobless Malay ITE graduate struggled with low wages and self-esteem Dear Gilbert I believe we have met before back in 2012 and I admire you and your volunteer colleagues’ attempts to help fellow Singaporeans get back on track in the workforce by assisting to alleviate their financial and unemployment crunches when our own... 

Govt fueling domestic inflation through GLCs

Govt fueling domestic inflation through GLCs

IMM owned by GLC Capita Mall It is high time PAP take action or be renamed PIP for inaction If you own so many REITs and so many shopping malls you can start the ball rolling by reducing rent and the market will follow. It is because the govt wants more $ it converted JTC to Mapletree and start raising factory rents. Now it’s... 

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