Tops in most expensive cities – Whither Singapore?
Singapore is not short of accolades. We have the most expensive cars, the most expensive paper (COE), the most expensive president, the most expensive ministers, the most expensive prime minister and now, the crown jewel of this government's quest to be the most expensive government in the world... the title of the most expensive...
虽然眼看着时局的变化,我有私心想要保持缄默,但是眼下的一些事情,却让我不得不有话要说。我把它处理成一封给总理的公开信形式,来传达这个信息的急迫性。 * * * * * * * * * 李总理 亲爱的总理先生 我们目前正处在一个政治危机之中,即人们不再信赖他们的政府,而政府也无暇挽回他们的信任。 有两个清楚的指标来表示它已经处在危机边缘,而不再是情绪化的分歧,也不是您所领导的行动党和民众渐行渐远。 第一、人们渐渐采取高调的抗议模式,这是前所未见的:比如在建筑上进行大型的涂鸦;尽管有关当局的警告和胁迫,网上刺耳的批评仍挟雷霆之势而来;演说者角落的大型聚会越办越多,同时在这些集会上所展现的敌意也有增无减。 第二、抗议不局限在网上愤青的怨怼而已,而是涵盖各个层面的民众,比如最近一名老者上街涂鸦被捕,还有博客鄞义林被你控诽谤,都得到社会人士的普遍同情,资助的义款也四方八面涌现。 这个危机是如何萌芽的? 我怀着崇敬的心情向您指出,这都是由于你不善或者不能聆听民众的声音。随着2011年大选的“震惊”(很多像我一样的新加坡都惊讶这样的改变),从您当下的...
World Cup TV coverage saga – need to vote out PAP
For many football lovers in Singapore, World Cup 1998 held in France was perhaps the most memorable and unforgettable football event shown on television.It was the first World Cup to feature 32 teams-in 8 groups of 4 each.Best of all is:It was shown exclusively on Premiere 12,on a free-to-air television channel for the arts...
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