Archive for the ‘Letters’ Category
The Hallmark Failures Of Lee’s Administration

The Hallmark Failures Of Lee’s Administration

Sharp observation; this is another hallmark of the LHL's administration - embarking onto national decisions and projects that does not benefit its citizens. Key differentiator from Gen 1 and Gen 2 PAP leaders' decisions is the LHL's administration decisions make things worse for Singapore and Singaporeans instead of LKY's and... 

Do CPF inflows to the Government exceed the outflows every year?

Do CPF inflows to the Government exceed the outflows every year?

After writing “UK’s % of GDP public healthcare spending 4x S’pore’s?” (Jun 18) – someone asked me what about pensions? Well, “For the fiscal year ending in March 2019: UK pensions spending is budgeted to be £164.7 billion”. In contrast for Singapore, since almost all of our CPF is our own money (contributions)... 

Why are there so many ‘unknown’ controversial CPF policies?

Why are there so many ‘unknown’ controversial CPF policies?

I refer to the CPF board’s reply “CPF Board procedures on disclosing dead members’ details” to the letters from Mr Neo Lin Chen (Unable to access CPF statement, June 1; and Having procedures doesn’t mean error-free execution, June 8), Ms Margaret Lee (Transparency, accountability needed when handling CPF money; Forum... 

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